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قديم 03-23-2010, 04:53 PM رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو

الصورة الرمزية Admin

إحصائية العضو

آخر مواضيعي

Admin غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي can working women

Can working women by reducing working hours and early retirement
In the name of God the Merciful

Praise be to God alone, prayer and peace upon the Messenger of God and his family and his brothers after him.

Dear brothers and sisters / Hfezna Allaah help us all

Peace and God's mercy and blessings

After you are aware the role of women in society and people need all the men women and children and her parents

It may be some of her brothers and sisters and the White House responsible for it, whether her husband or her children if she is divorced

Or a widow or a house of her parents or older brothers and sisters home for orphans and others which may not be dispensed by the

For women; I believe, because of the foregoing the following:
reduce the daily working hours for women. (If a woman came out of work could start in another work at home may be
For the evening at bedtime; while a man may be the first
thing to do was to rest from his work.

early retirement for women with different age of one who is sitting by her of the reasons already mentioned.
assessment of pension after retirement according to their status of the cases mentioned above.

failure to work in the hard work like construction of roads and buildings, clean roads and streets and parks related matters.

The matter of consultation between the people first.
God and of the intent behind


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