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قديم 08-13-2017, 07:46 AM رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو

الصورة الرمزية Admin

إحصائية العضو

آخر مواضيعي

Admin غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Attention! To the world what is this book! And what is in it! And what you must do fr

Attention! To the world what is this book! And what is in it! And what you must do from him! Books A. M. El - Salmouny God Almighty forgives him and his parents and all people • Do you know how many times mention the name of Allah Almighty, Almighty who created you in that Quran? • The name of God Almighty is mentioned in the Holy Quran (1680) one thousand and six hundred and eighty times. • Do you know how many times mentioned (the Lord of the Worlds) Glory, which sustains you in that Quran? • Mentioned (Lord of the Worlds) Glory and All that sustains you in that Quran (37) times. • Do you know how many times mentioned (your Lord) in that Quran? • He mentioned (your Lord) the Blessed and Exalted in that Quran (100) times. • Do you know how many times mentioned (the Lord) in the Holy Quran and recognized and approved and ordered by prophets and messengers peace be upon them? • Mentioned (Rab) Glorified in the Holy Quran and recognized and approved and ordered by prophets and messengers peace be upon them people (82) once. • Do you know how many times mention the name of (blessed) in the Holy Quran? • The name of (the Lord) blessed and exalted in that Quran and recognized and approved and ordered by prophets and messengers peace be upon them people (8) eight times. • Do you know how many times mention the name of our father (Adam) peace be upon him in that Holy Quran? • Our father (Adam) mentioned that in the Holy Quran 20 times. • Do you know how many times mention the Messenger of Allah (Noah) peace be upon him in that quran? • The Messenger of Allah (Noah) peace be upon him in that Quran (33) Thirty-three times. • Do you know how many times mention the Messenger of Allah (Abraham) peace be upon him in that Holy Quran? • The Messenger of Allah (Abraham) peace be upon him in that Quran (56) fifty-six times. • Do you know how many times mention the name of the Messenger of Allah (Moses) peace be upon him in that Holy Quran? • The name of the Messenger of Allah (Moses) peace be upon him in that Quran (124) hundred and twenty-four times. • Do you know how many times mention the name of the Messenger of Allah( Jesus son of mary )peace be upon him in that Holy Quran? • The name of the Messenger of Allah ( Jesus son of mary ) is mentioned in the Holy Quran (16) sixteen times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the ring of prophets and messengers (Muhammad) peace be upon him in that Holy Quran? • The Seal of Prophets and Messengers (Muhammad), peace and blessings be upon him, was mentioned in the Holy Quran (4) four times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the ring of prophets and messengers (Messenger of Allah [Muhammad]) peace be upon him in that Quran? • The Seal of Prophets and Messengers (Messenger of Allah [Muhammad]) peace and blessings be upon him in that Quran (28) twenty-eight times. • Do you know how many times God called the Seal of the Apostles Muhammad (peace be upon him) with(O Prophet) in the Holy Quran? • God Almighty called the Seal of the Apostles Muhammad (peace be upon him) with (O Prophet) in the Holy Quran (13) thirteen times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the book of God (the Torah), which God sent Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them to the children of Israel in that Quran? • The Book of God (the Torah), which God sent Moses and Aaron peace be upon them to the children of Israel in that Quran (18) eighteen times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the book of God (the Bible), which sent God Jesus son of Mary peace be upon him in that Quran? • The Book of God (the Gospel), which God sent Jesus son of Mary peace be upon him in that Quran (4) four times. • Do you know how many times mention the book of God (Zubour), which God sent David, peace be upon him in that Quran? • The Book of Allah (Zubour), which God sent Dawood, may Allah bless him and peace be upon him in that Quran (3) three times. • Do you know how many times Allah (Exalted be He) mentioned the Holy Quran? • God (the Children of Israel) mentioned in the Holy Quran 33 times thirty three times. • Do you know how many times God Almighty ordered (the children of Israel) in that Holy Quran? • God Almighty ordered (the Children of Israel) in that Quran (4) four times. • Do you know how many times God (the people of the Book) mentioned and commanded them in that Quran? • God Almighty (the people of the book) and ordered them in the Holy Quran (12) Twelve times. • Do you know how many times God mentioned (Mary is the daughter of Imran) in that Quran? • God mentioned ((Mary is the daughter of Imran) in the Holy Quran (30) Thirty times. • Did you know what this book is? And what is it? It is the Quran! • Did you know where this Quran comes from? It is from God Almighty. • And when ye disbelieve him, and do not believe him? • Do you know how many times mention the name of the Messenger of Allah ( Jesus son of mary ) peace be upon him in that Holy Quran? • The name of the Messenger of Allah (Jesus son of mary ) is mentioned in the Holy Quran (16) sixteen times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the ring of prophets and messengers (Muhammad) peace be upon him in that Holy Quran? • The Seal of Prophets and Messengers (Muhammad), peace and blessings be upon him, was mentioned in the Holy Quran (4) four times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the ring of prophets and messengers (Messenger of Allah [Muhammad]) peace be upon him in that Quran? • The Seal of Prophets and Messengers (Messenger of Allah [Muhammad]) peace and blessings be upon him in that Quran (28) twenty-eight times. • Do you know how many times God called the Seal of the Apostles Muhammad (peace be upon him) with (O Prophet) in the Holy Quran? • God Almighty called the Seal of the Apostles Muhammad (peace be upon him) with (O Prophet) in the Holy Quran (13) thirteen times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the book of God (the Torah), which God sent Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them to the children of Israel in that Quran? • The Book of God (the Torah), which God sent Moses and Aaron peace be upon them to the children of Israel in that Quran (18) eighteen times. • Do you know how many times mentioned the book of God (the Bible), which sent God Jesus son of Mary peace be upon him in that Quran? • The Book of God (the Gospel), which God sent Jesus son of Mary peace be upon him in that Quran (4) four times. • Do you know how many times mention the book of God (Zubour), which God sent David, peace be upon him in that Quran? • The Book of Allah (Zubour), which God sent Dawood, may Allah bless him and peace be upon him in that Quran (3) three times. • Do you know how many times Allah (Exalted be He) mentioned the Holy Qur'an? • God (the Children of Israel) mentioned in the Holy Quran 33 times thirty three times. • Do you know how many times God Almighty ordered (the children of Israel) in that Holy Quran? • God Almighty ordered (the Children of Israel) in that Quran (4) four times. • Do you know how many times God (the people of the Book) mentioned and commanded them in that Quran? • God Almighty (the people of the book) and ordered them in the Holy Quran (12) Twelve times. • Do you know how many times God mentioned (Mary is the daughter of Imran) in that Quran? • God mentioned (Mary is the daughter of Imran) in the Holy Quran (30) Thirty times. • Did you know what this book is? And what is it? It is the Quran! • Did you know where this Quran comes from? It is from God Almighty. Why you disbelieve
him, and do not believe him![LEFT][/LEFT]

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